As part of Mental Health Month, 222 guests joined in the conversation around men’s mental health at Lifeline Macarthur’s Mens’ Long Lunch last Friday 18th October. Held at the Rydges Campbelltown, the event aimed to raise awareness and destigmatise men’s mental health.
Joined by esteemed guests Allan Sparkes, CV,OAM,VA, Paralympian Erik Horrie, and long distance runner Peter Wilson, guests to the event heard personal and very real accounts of living through a mental illness and regaining mental wellness; and each spoke to the need to reach out to others for help, with the caveat that the road to that decision is rarely easy for men.
An extended Q&A session between guests and the event’s speakers highlighted the community’s desire to engage in more conversations around men’s mental health in the Macarthur region; and with 3 of every 4 deaths by suicide being men, the need to normalise talking about mental health with men remains imperative. Several questions on the impact of social media on mental health emphasised it as a topic of interest, and attendees of the event left with a sense that it takes a community approach to addressing mental health, mental wellbeing and suicide prevention.
Lifeline Macarthur’s General Manager, Strategic Partnerships and Community Engagement, Tracey Yuen said today, “We’re incredibly thankful to the local community for supporting the Men’s Long Lunch. Whether you sponsored the event, or brought a friend as an attendee, your involvement helps us normalise these types of conversations and create suicide safer communities.”
Of the 3,046 suicides in Australia last year, 2,320 of them were men. If you or someone you know needs someone to talk to, Lifeline’s 13 11 14 Crisis Support Line is available 24/7, every day of the year. Lifeline also has a free text service available on 0477 13 11 14 between 6pm – midnight (AEDT) for those feeling depressed, suicidal or in need of support and who are more comfortable in texting than calling.
Lifeline Macarthur supports the community with its 13 11 14 Crisis Support Line, suicide prevention and bereavement services, financial counselling service and 7 Lifeline Shops. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for our latest updates and event information.